
이천시, 이천과학고 유치...시민들 열망한다

오경희기자 | 기사입력 2024/09/02 [12:02]

이천시, 이천과학고 유치...시민들 열망한다

오경희기자 | 입력 : 2024/09/02 [12:02]

▲ 이천시가 2일 오전 10시 이천 아트홀에서 과학고 유치에 대한 열망을 담은 결의대회를 개최했다.(사진=오경희기자)

  이천시민 1,000여 명 한마음으로 결의 다져

  설문조사 결과 95.2% 과학고 유치 찬성


[브레이크뉴스경기남부=이천 오경희기자] 이천시가 이천과학고 유치와 관련 시민 의지를 담은 결의대회를 가졌다.


2일 오전 10시, 이천아트홀 대공연장에서 진행된 자리는 김경희 이천시장, 송석준 국회의원, 박명서 이천시의회 의장, 김은정 이천교육지원청 교육장, 김일중 도의원을 비롯하여 이천과학고 유치위원회와 각종 사회단체 등 이천시민 1,000여 명이 참석했다.


결의대회는 ▲식전 공연 ▲내빈 소개 ▲국민의례 ▲추진 경과보고 ▲유치 홍보영상 시청 ▲인사 말씀 ▲결의문 낭독 ▲유치 결의 퍼포먼스 순으로 진행됐다.


조한준 이천과학고 유치위원회 공동위원장은 그동안 이천과학고 유치위원회에서 추진한 경과를 발표하였고 8월 5일부터 진행한 설문조사 결과, 설문에 참여한 이천시민 3,797명 중 95.2%가 과학고 신설에 동의하였으며, 총 7,816명의 시민이 서명운동에 동참했다고 밝혔다.


이어서 최윤혁 공동위원장이 이천시민들의 과학고 유치 염원을 담은 결의문을 낭독하며 결의를 굳게 다졌다.


행사의 하이라이트인 유치 결의 퍼포먼스는 내빈들이 무대 위에서 이천과학고 유치를 응원하는 문구가 담긴 카드를 들고 결의 구호를 선창하면 시민들이 후창하는 형식으로 진행하여 유치 열기를 한껏 끌어올렸다.


이천시는 글로벌 반도체 기업 SK하이닉스와 한국세라믹기술원이 위치한 반도체 중심 도시로 산․학․연과 연계한 이천만의 특화된 과학 교육을 실현할 수 있는 기반을 갖추고 있다. 더 이상의 인재 유출을 방지하고 미래에 필요한 핵심 인재를 양성하는 경기 동부권의 과학 교육 중심도시로 도약하기 위하여 이천시와 이천과학고 유치위원회는 과학고 설립이 실현될 수 있도록 힘쓰고 있다.


결의대회 이후 경기형 과학고 신규 지정 공모 계획이 발표되면 이천교육지원청과 협력하여 평가지표에 따라 학교 설립 계획을 수립하고, 경기도교육청에 공모신청서를 제출할 예정이다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.> 


[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Icheon Oh Kyung-hee] Icheon City held a resolution meeting to express the will of the citizens regarding the attraction of Icheon Science High School.


At 10 am on the 2nd, the event held at the Icheon Art Hall Grand Performance Hall was attended by approximately 1,000 Icheon citizens, including Icheon Mayor Kim Kyung-hee, National Assemblyman Song Seok-jun, Icheon City Council Speaker Park Myeong-seo, Icheon Education Support Office Superintendent Kim Eun-jung, Provincial Assemblyman Kim Il-joong, Icheon Science High School Attendance Committee, and various social organizations.


The resolution meeting proceeded in the following order: ▲Pre-ceremony performance ▲Introduction of distinguished guests ▲National ceremony ▲Progress report ▲Watching of attraction promotional video ▲Welcome remarks ▲Reading of the resolution ▲Attendance resolution performance.


Cho Han-jun, co-chairman of the Icheon Science High School Attraction Committee, announced the progress made by the Icheon Science High School Attraction Committee and revealed that according to the results of a survey conducted from August 5, 95.2% of the 3,797 Icheon citizens who participated in the survey agreed to the establishment of a science high school, and a total of 7,816 citizens participated in the signature campaign.


Next, co-chairman Choi Yoon-hyeok read the resolution containing the wishes of Icheon citizens for the establishment of a science high school and solidified their resolve.


The highlight of the event, the Attraction Resolution Performance, was held in the form of the guests holding cards with messages supporting the establishment of Icheon Science High School on stage and leading the chant of the resolution, and the citizens singing back, which greatly heightened the enthusiasm for the establishment.


Icheon City is a semiconductor-centered city where global semiconductor company SK Hynix and the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology are located, and has the foundation to realize specialized science education for Icheon citizens in cooperation with industry, academia, and research. In order to prevent further talent drain and to leap forward as a science education hub city in the eastern part of Gyeonggi Province that fosters key talents needed for the future, Icheon City and the Icheon Science High School Promotion Committee are working hard to make the establishment of the science high school a reality.


After the resolution meeting, when the new designation public offering plan for the Gyeonggi-type science high school is announced, we will work with the Icheon Office of Education to establish a school establishment plan based on evaluation criteria and submit an application for public offering to the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education.

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