
경기도교육청, 화재 피해 김포 솔터고 대책 마련

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2024/02/21 [15:26]

경기도교육청, 화재 피해 김포 솔터고 대책 마련

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2024/02/21 [15:26]

[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도교육청은 화재 피해가 발생해 복구가 진행 중인 김포 솔터고등학교의 교육과정 운영 대책을 위해 21일 오전 학교 현장을 점검했다.


솔터고는 지난 1월 24일 화재가 발생해 식당과 필로티 연결 통로 등이 소실됐다. 현재 소방서·경찰서에서 화재감식이 진행 중이며 복구를 위한 철거와 청소 작업 등이 이뤄지고 있다.


도교육청은 솔터고 학생들의 새 학기 교육과정 운영에 차질이 없도록 복구를 신속하게 추진할 계획이다.


도교육청은 ▲올해 3월 개교 예정인 운유고등학교 여유 교실 활용방안 검토 ▲3학년 전면 대면수업 실시 ▲1, 2학년 격주 대면수업·비대면수업 병행실시 ▲학생 통학 지원 ▲학부모 의견 수렴 등 위탁 급식 절차 안내 ▲학부모 설명회 추가실시 등 교육과정 운영 대책을 마련했다.


도교육청은 또 추진사항 점검과 복구 상황 공유를 위해 김포교육지원청과 솔터고, 운유고 등 화재복구 관련자와 매주 1회 대책회의를 진행할 방침이다.


임태희 교육감은 화재복구 상황을 살피고 “도교육청과 교육지원청은 최대한 할 수 있는 노력을 기울여 새 학기를 앞둔 학생들의 수업 결손이 없도록 하겠다”며 “무엇보다 학생 안전을 우선에 둔 빠른 복구를 통해 학생들이 정상적인 학교생활을 할 수 있도록 지원하겠다”고 말했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Break News South Gyeonggi = Suwon Reporter Lee Gwi-seon] The Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education inspected the school site on the morning of the 21st to take measures to manage the curriculum at Gimpo Salter High School, which is currently undergoing restoration due to fire damage.


A fire broke out at Salter High School on January 24, destroying the restaurant and the piloti passageway. Currently, fire detection is in progress at the fire department and police station, and demolition and cleaning work for recovery is being carried out.


The Provincial Office of Education plans to expedite restoration to ensure that there are no disruptions in the operation of the new semester curriculum for Salter High School students.


The Provincial Office of Education is ▲Reviewing ways to utilize spare classrooms at Unyu High School, which is scheduled to open in March of this year ▲Conducting full face-to-face classes for 3rd graders ▲Conducting face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes every other week for 1st and 2nd graders ▲Supporting students' transportation to and from school ▲Guiding on consignment meal procedures, including gathering parents' opinions ▲We prepared measures to operate the curriculum, including holding additional parent briefing sessions.


The Provincial Office of Education also plans to hold a countermeasures meeting once a week with the Gimpo Office of Education and those involved in fire recovery, such as Salter High School and Unyu High School, to check progress and share the recovery situation.


Superintendent Lim Tae-hee looked at the fire recovery situation and said, “The Provincial Office of Education and the Office of Education Support will do their best to ensure that students do not miss classes ahead of the new semester.” He added, “We will ensure that students are safe through a quick recovery that prioritizes student safety above all else.” “We will provide support so that they can lead a normal school life,” he said.


한국언론의 세대교체
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