
경기도교육청, 올해 첫 지방공무원 뽑는다

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2024/02/19 [10:07]

경기도교육청, 올해 첫 지방공무원 뽑는다

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2024/02/19 [10:07]


[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도교육청의 올해 첫 지방공무원 경력경쟁임용시험이 시행된다. 선발 예정 인원은 총 41명이다.


경기도교육청에 따르면 19일 시설·공업 직렬을 대상으로 하는 2024년도 제1회 경기도교육청 지방공무원 경력경쟁임용시험 시행계획을 도교육청 누리집에 공고했다.


선발 예정 인원은 41명이며, 2개 모집 분야별로 ▲공업 9급 23명(일반기계 18명, 일반전기 5명) ▲시설 9급 18명(일반토목 2명, 건축 16명)이다.


제1회 경력경쟁임용시험의 응시원서 접수는 오는 3월 6일부터 8일까지이며, 온라인 교직원 채용시스템을 통해 진행된다. 응시자는 관련 서류를 기한 내 반드시 우편으로 제출해야 한다.


시험 전형은 응시자의 자격, 경력 등이 소정의 기준에 적합한지를 살펴보는 서류심사를 거친 뒤 합격자를 대상으로 4월 27일 면접시험을 실시한다. 최종합격자는 5월 17일 발표할 예정이다.


이후 도교육청 신규 임용시험 주요 일정은 지난 1월 사전 안내한 바와 같이 진행된다.


제2회 공개경쟁임용시험 필기시험은 6월 22일, 제3회 상업계고 우수 인재 수습 직원 선발시험 필기시험은 8월 31일, 제4회 경력경쟁임용시험(기술계고) 필기시험은 11월 2일 각각 시행된다.


특히 올해 처음으로 실행하는 상업계고 우수 인재 수습 직원 선발시험은 관련 전문교과와 필수 이수과목을 이수한 상업계고(관련학과 설치 일반고 포함) 졸업(예정)자를 대상으로 한다.


선발된 수습 직원은 6개월간의 수습 기간 이후 평가와 심사 등을 거쳐 9급 교육행정직 공무원으로 신규 임용될 예정이다.


도교육청 신규 임용시험의 직렬별 인원과 세부 사항은 3월 초 시행계획 공고를 통해 안내한다. 시험 관련 공고문은 도교육청 누리집(홈페이지→인사/채용/시험→시험정보→시험안내)에서 확인할 수 있다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.> 


[Break News Southern Gyeonggi = Suwon Reporter Lee Gwi-seon] The Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education's first local civil servant career competitive employment exam will be held this year. A total of 41 people are scheduled to be selected.


According to the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, on the 19th, the implementation plan for the 1st Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education Local Civil Service Career Competitive Appointment Test in 2024 targeting facilities and industrial fields was announced on the Provincial Office of Education website.


The number of people expected to be selected is 41, and in each of the two recruitment fields: ▲ 23 people at level 9 in engineering (18 general machinery, 5 people at general electricity) ▲ 18 people at level 9 in facilities (2 people at general civil engineering, 16 at architecture).


Applications for the 1st Career Competitive Appointment Test will be accepted from March 6th to 8th and will be conducted through the online faculty and staff recruitment system. Applicants must submit relevant documents by mail within the deadline.


The test selection process includes a document review to see if the applicant's qualifications and experience meet the prescribed standards, and then an interview will be conducted for successful candidates on April 27. The final successful candidate will be announced on May 17th.


Afterwards, the main schedule for the new employment examination for the Provincial Office of Education will be conducted as announced in advance in January.


The written exam for the 2nd Open Competitive Appointment Test will be held on June 22, the written exam for the 3rd Commercial High School Talent Training Employee Selection Test will be held on August 31, and the written exam for the 4th Career Competitive Appointment Test (Technical High School) will be held in November. It is implemented on two days each.


In particular, the selection test for excellent talent trainees at commercial high schools, which will be conducted for the first time this year, is for graduates (or expected) of commercial high schools (including general high schools with related departments) who have completed related specialized courses and required courses.


The selected probationary employees will be newly appointed as level 9 educational administration officials after undergoing evaluation and screening after a six-month probationary period.


The number of people and details for each series of the provincial office of education's new employment examination will be announced through an implementation plan announcement in early March. Announcements related to exams can be found on the Provincial Office of Education website (homepage → Personnel/Recruitment/Test → Test Information → Test Guide).

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