
임태희 교육감, ‘학교 모범사례 공유해 더 좋은 교육 함께 만들어 주시길’

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2024/01/31 [16:50]

임태희 교육감, ‘학교 모범사례 공유해 더 좋은 교육 함께 만들어 주시길’

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2024/01/31 [16:50]


[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도교육청(교육감 임태희)이 31일 학교평가 결과 종합 분석과 학교 교육력 제고 방안 마련을 위해 ‘학교평가 종합보고서 및 모범사례 공유의 날’을 개최했다.


남부청사에서 열린 이번 행사는 도내 전체 학교의 약 1/3에 해당하는 819개교를 대상으로 정성평가 보고서 평가, 학교별 피드백 제공 등 학교별 맞춤형 지원을 강화하기 위한 목적으로 마련했다.


행사에는 임 교육감과 김송미 제2부교육감, 황윤규 교육정책국장 등 도교육청 주요 관계자를 비롯해 교육지원청 업무담당자, 학교평가 위원, 학교 담당자 등 250여 명이 참석해 학교 교육력 제고 방안에 높은 관심을 반영했다.


이번 행사는 ▲2023 학교평가 지표별 모범 사례교 표창장 수여 ▲2023 교육청 주관 학교평가 결과 발표 ▲2024 학교평가 추진 방향 안내 ▲2023 지표별 모범 실천 사례 발표 순으로 이어졌다.


지표별 모범사례 발표에는 ▲에듀테크 수업 활성화(이천 도지초) ▲기초학력 보장 실천(광명 서면초) ▲인성교육 활성화(파주 동패중) ▲학교자율과제 운영(연천 대광초‧중) 등 담당자가 나서 학생 역량 함양을 위한 교육공동체의 실천 내용을 안내했다.


도교육청은 향후 ‘계획-실천-평가-환류’의 학교평가 선순환 시스템 적용으로 장점은 강화하고 부족한 점은 보완해 학교 교육의 질을 높일 수 있도록 적극 지원해 나갈 계획이다.


임 교육감은 인사말에서 “경기교육의 인재상은 기본인성과 기초역량을 갖춘 미래인재 양성에 있다”면서 “교육의 중심인 학교에서 선생님이 학생 교육에만 집중할 수 있도록 다양한 방안을 마련하고자 노력할 것”이라고 말했다.  


이어 “오늘 학교 사례 발표로 모범 교육활동을 발굴하고 공유해 더 좋은 교육이 만들어지기를 기대한다”고 강조하며 “경기교육을 받은 학생이 개인적으로 행복을 느끼고 미래의 자부심을 가질 수 있도록 여러분께서 최선을 다해주시길 당부드린다”고 말했다.


한편 도교육청은 2월 중 지역별로 학교평가 실천 사례 성장 나눔의 날을 운영해 2024학년도 교육활동에 환류하는 등 학교 간 동반 성장의 기회를 지속적으로 제공할 예정이다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.> 


[Break News South Gyeonggi = Suwon Reporter Gwi-seon Lee] On the 31st, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (Superintendent Tae-hee Lim) held the ‘School Evaluation Comprehensive Report and Best Practice Sharing Day’ to comprehensively analyze school evaluation results and prepare ways to improve school educational capabilities.


This event, held at the Southern Government Building, was designed to strengthen customized support for each school, including evaluating qualitative evaluation reports for 819 schools, which is about one-third of all schools in the province, and providing feedback for each school.


About 250 people attended the event, including key officials from the Provincial Office of Education, including Superintendent Lim, 2nd Vice Superintendent Kim Song-mi, and Director of Education Policy Director Hwang Yun-gyu, as well as officials from the Office of Education, school evaluation committee members, and school personnel, reflecting high interest in ways to improve school educational capabilities.


This event continued in the following order: ▲Awarding of commendations for exemplary schools by 2023 school evaluation indicators ▲Announcement of 2023 school evaluation results hosted by the Office of Education ▲Guide to the direction of 2024 school evaluation ▲Announcement of exemplary practice cases by 2023 indicators.


Presentation of best practices for each indicator included ▲activation of edtech classes (Icheon Doji Elementary School) ▲practice of guaranteeing basic academic ability (Gwangmyeong Seomyeon Elementary School) ▲activation of character education (Paju Dongpae Middle School) ▲school autonomous task operation (Yeoncheon Daegwang Elementary and Middle School), etc. It provided guidance on the educational community's practices for capacity building.


In the future, the Provincial Office of Education plans to actively support the improvement of the quality of school education by strengthening strengths and supplementing shortcomings by applying the virtuous cycle of school evaluation of ‘plan-practice-evaluation-feedback’.


In his greeting, Superintendent Lim said, “Gyeonggi Education’s ideal for talent lies in nurturing future talent with basic character and basic capabilities,” and added, “We will strive to come up with various measures so that teachers can focus only on student education at schools, which are the center of education.” .


He then emphasized, “We hope to create better education by discovering and sharing exemplary educational activities through today’s school case presentation,” and added, “We will do our best so that students who have received Gyeonggi education can feel personally happy and have pride in their future.” “I ask you to do your best,” he said.


Meanwhile, the Provincial Office of Education plans to continue to provide opportunities for shared growth between schools by running a growth sharing day for school evaluation practices in each region in February, which will feed back into educational activities for the 2024 school year.


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