[브레이크뉴스경기남부=광주 이귀선기자] 광주시가 추진 중인 광주역세권 2단계 도시개발사업이 순항하고 있다.
28일 시에 따르면 지난 27일 김동구 한강유역환경청장은 광주역세권 2단계 도시개발사업 대상지를 방문했다.
광주역세권 2단계 도시개발사업은 올해 2월 준공된 1단계 광주역세권사업과 연계해 주거, 첨단산업, 공공시설 등 복합단지를 조성해 광주시의 자족 기반을 강화하고자 추진하는 사업이다.
시는 지난해 11월 지정권자인 경기도에 ‘구역 지정 및 개발계획 수립’ 승인을 요청했으며 현재 중앙부처 등 관계기관 협의가 진행 중으로 이번 한강유역환경청(환경평가과)의 사업지 방문은 전략환경영향평가 등 각종 행정절차가 속도감 있게 추진될 전망이다.
현장을 찾은 김동구 한강유역환경청장은 “경안천 주변에대한 관리 방안 모색 등 주민 친화 공간이 조성될 수 있도록 노력해 달라”고 당부했다.
이에 대해 방세환 시장은 “전략환경영향평가 등 관계기관 협의의견을 반영해 2024년 하반기에는 도시개발구역 지정 및 개발계획 수립이 승인될 수 있도록 사업에 박차를 가할계획”이라며 “광주역세권 도시개발사업이광주시의 친환경적인 도시성장의 거점 요소로 발전될 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Break News Southern Gyeonggi = Gwangju Reporter Lee Gwi-seon] The second phase of the urban development project in the Gwangju Station area being promoted by Gwangju City is progressing smoothly.
According to the city on the 28th, on the 27th, Kim Dong-gu, head of the Han River Basin Environmental Office, visited the site of the second stage urban development project in the Gwangju Station area.
The Gwangju Station Area 2nd Stage Urban Development Project is a project promoted to strengthen Gwangju City's self-sufficiency foundation by creating a complex for housing, high-tech industry, and public facilities in connection with the 1st stage Gwangju Station Area Project, which was completed in February of this year.
In November of last year, the city requested Gyeonggi-do, the designating authority, to approve 'zoning designation and development plan establishment', and consultations with related agencies such as central ministries are currently in progress. This visit by the Han River Basin Environmental Office (Environmental Assessment Division) to the project site will be conducted to conduct various administrative activities, including strategic environmental impact assessment. The process is expected to proceed quickly.
Kim Dong-gu, head of the Hangang River Basin Environmental Office, who visited the site, asked, “Please make efforts to create a resident-friendly space by exploring management plans around the Gyeongan Stream.”
In response to this, Mayor Bang Se-hwan said, “We plan to accelerate the project so that the designation of urban development zones and establishment of development plans can be approved in the second half of 2024 by reflecting the opinions of related organizations such as strategic environmental impact assessment,” and “The urban development project in the Gwangju Station area “We will strive to develop it into a base for Gwangju City’s eco-friendly urban growth,” he said.
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