[브레이크뉴스경기남부=안성 이귀선기자] 안성시의회 조례등심사특별위원회(위원장 최호섭의원, 간사 정천식의원)는 2월 14일 1차 회의를 열어 14일~15일 양일간 제221회 임시회에서 부의된 조례안 등 31건을 심사했다.
먼저 26건의 조례안 및 규칙안의 대한 심의결과 ▶안성시 해병전우회 활동 지원 등에 관한 조례안 등 22건에 대해 원안가결되었고 ▶안성시 침수 방지시설 설치 및 지원에 관한 조례안 ▶안성시 평생교육진흥 조례 일부개정조례안 ▶안성시 안성맞춤랜드 통합관리‧운영 조례 일부개정조례안 3건은 수정가결 ▶안성시 청소년상 조례 일부개정조례안은 부결되었다.
한편, 일반안 5건 중 ▶서운 도시관리계획(용도지역, 도시계획시설:경관광장)결정(변경)(안) 의회의견 청취의 건은 채택가결되었고 ▶동안성청소년문화의집 민간위탁 동의안은 원안가결되었으며 ▶안성농업인 새벽시장 민간위탁 동의안 ▶안성농업인 직거래 금요‧주말장터 민간위탁 동의안 ▶ 안성시 안성맞춤 로컬푸드 행복장터(하행) 민간위탁 동의안 3건은 심도있는 검토를 위해 심의보류되었다.
2월 14일 개회한 제221회 안성시의회 임시회는 업무계획청취특별위원회 일정을 끝으로 23일 마무리될 예정이며, 안성시의회 홈페이지 또는 유튜브에서 생방송으로 시청할 수 있다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Of the 31 agenda items, including ordinances, 27 were passed, 1 was rejected, and 3 were on hold.
[Break News Southern Gyeonggi = Reporter Gwi-seon Lee of Anseong] Anseong City Council Ordinance Review Special Committee (Chairman Rep. Choi Ho-seop, Secretary Rep. Jeong Cheon-sik) held its first meeting on February 14th and proposed the 221st extraordinary meeting on the 14th and 15th. We reviewed 31 cases, including ordinance bills.
First, the result of deliberation on 26 proposed ordinances and proposed rules ▶ The original draft was passed for 22 ordinances, including an ordinance regarding support for the activities of the Marine Comrades Association in Anseong City, etc. ▶ A proposed ordinance regarding the installation and support of flood prevention facilities in Anseong City ▶ A partial amendment ordinance to the Anseong City Lifelong Education Promotion Ordinance ▶ Anseong City Anseong Machin Three partial amendments to the Land Integrated Management and Operation Ordinance were passed with revision. ▶ The partial amendment to the Anseong City Youth Award Ordinance was rejected.
Meanwhile, among the five general bills, ▶ the proposal to listen to council opinions on the decision (change) of the Seoun Urban Management Plan (use area, urban planning facilities: landscape plaza) (draft) was adopted and passed, and ▶ the motion to entrust the Dongan Province Youth Culture House to the private sector was passed. The original bill was passed, and ▶Agreement to privately entrust Anseong Farmers' Dawn Market ▶Agreement to privately entrust Anseong Farmers' Direct Transaction Friday and Weekend Market ▶3 motions to privately entrust Anseong City's Anseongmajik Local Food Happy Market (Down) were put on hold for deliberation for in-depth review.
The 221st Anseong City Council extraordinary meeting, which opened on February 14, is scheduled to conclude on the 23rd with the schedule of the Special Committee for Listening to Work Plans, and can be watched live on the Anseong City Council website or YouTube. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기남부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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