
정장선 평택시장 후보, 평택시민 건강걷기 대회 등 현장 소통 이어가

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2022/05/22 [05:54]

정장선 평택시장 후보, 평택시민 건강걷기 대회 등 현장 소통 이어가

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2022/05/22 [05:54]


▲ 사진=정장선 캠프  © 이귀선 기자

[브레이크뉴스경기남부=평택 이귀선기자] 정장선 더불어민주당 평택시장 후보가 21일(토) 공식 선거운동 첫 주말을 맞아 평택시민 건강걷기 대회·안정리 상인회 간담회·센트럴자이 아파트 입주자회의 간담회 등 시민과의 현장 소통을 이어갔다.


정장선 후보는 이날 오전 10시경, 평택시민 건강걷기 대회가 개최되는 이충레포츠 공원을 찾았다. 정 후보는 대회에 참여하기 위해 공원을 찾은 시민들과 밝은 얼굴로 눈 맞추며 인사를 나눴다.


오후 2시경에는 험프리스 기지 앞 로데오거리에서 안정리 상인회와 간담회를 가지고 각종 애로사항을 청취하며 지역 상권활성화를 위한 방안 등을 논의했다.


이어 오후 4시에는 동삭동에 위치한 센트럴자이 아파트 3단지 입주자회의 후보초청 간담회에 참석해 입주민들과 쌍용차와 GTX 연장 등 지역현안에 대한 질의응답을 이어갔다.


정 후보는 동삭동의 가장 중요한 현안으로 문화시설 부족을 꼽았다. 그는 “평생교육센터와 자원봉사센터를 묶어 대규모로 조성할 것”이라며 쌍용차 부지 문제가 정리된 이후 공공개발 방식으로 다양한 문화시설을 연계·조성하겠다고 말했다.


이어진 GTX-A·C 노선 연장 관련 질의에 대해서도 “GTX-C는 이미 진행 중에 있다”며 해당 사업은 “정부와 관계없는 민자 사업이고 평택·오산·화성 연장은 시에서 재정을 부담하는 것으로 큰 지장이 없다”고 설명했다.


GTX-A 노선 역시 광역철도지정기준에‘통행시간 60분 이내’조건이 신설되면서 평택 연장이 가능해진 바 있다.


한편, 정 후보는 이외에도 안정리 예술인 광장행사에서 지역 예술인들과 만남을 가지고, 비전 파출소에서 방범순찰대 대원들을 격려 하는 등 바쁜 일정을 소화했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.> 


[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Pyeongtaek Correspondent Lee Gwi-seon] On-site communication with citizens such as Pyeongtaek Mayor Jang Jang-sun of the Democratic Party of Korea, Pyeongtaek Citizens Health Walk Contest, Ahn Jung-ri Merchants' Association Meeting, and Central Xi Apartment Residents' Meeting Meeting, to celebrate the first weekend of the official election campaign on the 21st (Sat) continued


Candidate Jang Jeong-seon visited the Ichung Leports Park, where the Pyeongtaek Citizens' Health Walking Tournament was held around 10 am on the same day. Candidate Jeong greeted the citizens who visited the park to participate in the contest, making eye contact with a bright face.


At around 2 pm, he had a meeting with the Ahn Jung-ri merchants' association on Rodeo Street in front of the Humphreys Base, listening to various difficulties, and discussing ways to revitalize the local commercial area.


Then, at 4 pm, he attended the Candidate Invitational Meeting for the Residents of Central Xi Apartment Complex 3 located in Dongsak-dong, and continued to ask and answer questions about local issues such as Ssangyong Motor and GTX extension with the residents.


Candidate Chung cited the lack of cultural facilities as the most important issue in Dongsak-dong. He said, “We will create a large-scale construction by combining the Lifelong Education Center and the Volunteer Center,” he said.


Regarding the inquiry related to the extension of the GTX-A·C route, he said, “GTX-C is already in progress.” The project is “a privately funded project that has nothing to do with the government, and the extension of Pyeongtaek, Osan, and Hwaseong is greatly hindered by the financial burden of the city. There is no,” he explained.


The GTX-A route also became possible to extend Pyeongtaek as a condition of “passing time within 60 minutes” was newly added in the metropolitan railroad designation criteria.


On the other hand, Candidate Jeong also had a busy schedule, such as meeting with local artists at the Ahn Jung-ri Artists Square event and encouraging the members of the crime prevention patrol at the Vision Police Box.


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